Township to get new backhoe
Brookville Star
Kay Dawson
Contributing Writer
CLAY TOWNSHIP - Clay Township trustees voted at their April 2 meeting to finance a new backhoe over the next five years.
Gary Arthur from Southeastern Equipment was present to answer questions about the proposals already submitted. He said another arrangement would be to trade in the backhoe every few years. In the past, trade-in value depended on the hours of fuse logged, but now the company bases it on the condition and the market value. He also said if the township traded in the old backhoe it would be accepted as the down payment, making the first payment not due for a year.
He and Township Road Superintendent Chris Maleski agreed with Trustee Jeff Requarth's assessment that the current backhoe, a 2001 mode, "has a lot of hours on it" and was not worth repairing.
Trustee president Dave Vore asked if the township could save money by forgoing any of the options "such as an air conditioned cab."
Maleski was relieved when Arthur replied that the savings would be minimal and that "you are not buying options outside of what most people buy."
The trustees voted to purchase the backhoe, paying a bit less than $86,000 over the next five years.
The township has received a $500 Managing Ohio Risk Exposure grant from the Ohio Township Association Risk Management Authority.
Trustee Steve Woolf asked what it would be spent on , and Maleski told him original plans had been to use it for speed limit signs or a new battery for the township's Automated External Defibrillator, but another grant paid for the signs and the battery had already needed replacement.
"But we can find a use for it," Maleski, said. The grant costs the township nothing.
Woolf told trustees the Ohio EPA wanted a sign at the fuel storage facility directing responders to the "kitty litter" stored to cleanup up spill and also wanted signs at the cemetery entrances warning the public of sprays used on the grass.
He also advised Maleski that the street department should watch for Palmer amaranth while mowing the ditches. This invasive plant, fast-growing and resistant to herbicides, has appeared in Preble County. Apparently, he said, the plant arrives in a load of hay and "the cows did what cows do and the seeds spread in the manure."
Phillipsburg Mayor Cheryl Crabtree told Requarth she had the names of three residents who would like to serve on Requarth's committee to explain the fire levy. She was able to talk with a Brookville council member opposed to it and had tried to explain Phillipsburg's need for the levy.
Requarth said he had located some Clay Township residents who would service if anyone from other jurisdictions would join them. Crabtree, Woolf, and Requarth, as we as other township officials met informally after the meeting to discuss plans.
The next trustee meeting will be at 5 p.m. on April 16 in the township building at 8207 Arlington Road.
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